5 itineraries for exploring paper routes

5 itineraries for exploring paper routes

Between the 18th and 19th centuries, Capellades and its environs constituted one of the most important centres for paper making in Spain. It specialized in top quality deckleedged paper and in cigarette papers. Manufacturers such as Romaní, Soteras, Guarro, Serra or Romeu, among others, supplied much of the Spanish, South American and Philippine market.
Along the basin of the River Anoia evidence exists of more than 40 paper mills. To this day, paper has been one of the main motors of the area’s economy. Whole families worked in the mills; either slashing rags into strips, forming sheets of paper, preparing glue for the sizing process, hanging up sheets to dry or packing the reams of the finished product. Many generations have worked, day by day, making quality paper here.
We would like to suggest some paper related local sights you might like to visit. In this area, an industrial landscape unfolds along the River Anoia, its tributaries, channels, locksand mills.
Through five itineraries, leaving from Capellades, we invite you to discover our Paper Routes.

More information: http://www.caminsdelpaper.cat/

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